Posts in Parents (Book)

“An inspiring book about how to raise a challenging child. I have absolutely loved everything about this book. I have read Differently Wired previously, and this was just as good.I know I will return to this book for references many, many times.Thank you Elaine, for sharing your struggles and making us see the light at the end of the tunnel."

— Melodipond

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Ms A E Moseley

"Really the best parenting book I’ve read! This book has made more of a difference to my parenting and general happiness levels in my house than any more traditional parenting book I’ve read."

— Ms A E Moseley

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"A brilliant and brutally honest book that gives me hope for the future.Positive parenting lessons from those whose children never challenge them can feel condescending, but Elaine's book doesn't do this. I feel a massive thank you is owed to Elaine and her son for putting themselves out there to help others."

— Rachael

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"A must-Read for Parents, Teachers, Therapists.This book and the true story of Sam is so inspirational. I usually buy parenting books and read the odd chapter - I devoured this one and am planning to read it again already."

— Londonkate

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